
Wednesday 5 June 2013

My song

Ict project: GarageBand

GarageBand ict project
For my ict project I have decided to explore the way in which music an it's industry is moving into a digital age.
There are two parts to my project, firstly using some musical background knowledge I have I managed to use digital instruments on my iPad to compose a short song. This was surprisingly not as difficult as it seems as the app is very well set out in several chords so it is easy to make a chord progression. It is also well set out to record real instruments which you can edit. The way in which you can also build several tracks on top of eachother  creating a whole sound. I learnt to use this mainly through looking up the problems I encountered on google and finding several tutorials on youtube allowing me to do more advanced stuff. The main problem I had was with the amount of instruments; you could only have 9 tracks at any one time. I overcame this by learning how to merge tracks in another youtube tutorial. I chose this project because I play guitar and I enjoy creating music. GarageBand was a way for me to do this much easier and to a more advanced degree. Overall the project took me around 4 hours, but I'm sure if you made the song longer and added vocals and real instruments it would have taken alot longer.

Monday 21 January 2013

Fencing is a sport i first started when i was in year 5. Many people probably don't know a lot about the sport so I want to give you an insight on the sport I love.
Fencing is a unique sport and laboursly going through all of the technical basics you quickly get the feel for the sport. It is different mainly because if the feel of being in a fight. With the adrenaline pumping it makes you feel vulnerable at first and it also makes you want to win.
As you improve as a fencer, it becomes more and more technical. It becomes less of a mad attempt to hit the opponent and more of anticipating what the opponent is going to do and planning which attack should be used. I strongly advise you to start fencing. (more to come...)